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GATEWAY OF INDIA (right corner of the pic) This impressive archway over looking arabian sea on the edge of Apollo Bunder directly opposite the Taj Mahal Intercontinental Hotel (left side of the pic), was erected to commemorate the landing in India of their Imperial Majesties - King George V and Queen Mary on the 2nd December, 1911.

The Gateway of India saw the last British troops to leave the country pass through its portal on February 28 1948, some few months after Independence Day 15 August 1947. They had been there for 194 years. (1st. Battalion of the Somerset Light Infantry)

The first stone was laid by the then Governor of Bombay, Lord Sydenham on March 31st 1913. It's a solid structure consisting of eight open doorways, above which is a perforated design. On entering the main doorway, there is a staircase behind small black doors, that lead to the top of the Gateway where one can see the harbour. At the top are four spires enclosing a small space with large balconies on either side.

Thousands of people frequent the Gateway especially on Sunday and during evenings to enjoy cool breeze. It's also a popular haunt of snake charmers. One can see many ships that await their turn to berth at the near by docks. There are launches and cruisers anchored in front of the Gateway, that take people on the expeditions to the Elephanta Caves .

I took this pic on my last vacation to India in 1993

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