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Shake hands with elephants. Why, ride one. Taste fresh toddy straight from a coconut tree. Relish the exotic, traditional cuisines. Cruise down the centuries-old backwaters flanked by picture-book town ancient trading ports. Experience the colourful, magical festivals. Surrender yourself to a slow, relaxing massage with traditional, rejuvenating oils. Visit out-of-this-world hill stations... enchanting waterfalls... spectacular beaches... sprawling spice plantations. Feast your eyes on the most exotic of wildlife. Lose yourself in time amidst cool, tranquil monuments and rich palaces of kings of yore. Witness exquisite dance dramas... the splendour of Kathakali... the grace of Bharatanatyam... the sensuous movements of Mohiniyattam..... 
Indian Government's Page on Kerala
Kerala State
Map of Kerala
KERALA Statistics
KERALA: General Information
Kerala at a Glance
Kerala : Destination
The Kerala Organization
Kerala Intercative
Kerala Nadu
Kerala torist info cemter
Listing of all the Colleges and Universities in Kerala
Malayalam News
Travel and Tourism
Indian Airlines
Indian Airlines Flight Schedules
Air India
Air India Flight Schedules
TourIndia - Introduction to Backwards
Destination Kerala
Travel Information about Kerala & India
Travel Destinations
Tourism in India
Recipe Collection #2
Masala Dosa With Chutney
Mor Kaalan

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